
产品名称: CrCl3

CrCl3(三氯化铬)是层状反铁磁体,易剥落成单层,具有良好的环境稳定性。它的磁序温度在14 ~ 17 K之间。当外加少量磁场强度时,CrCl3处于铁磁排序的尖峰位置。此外,最近的研究表明,CrCl3层状晶体在近240k的低温下经历了从单斜(C2/m)到菱面体(R3)的结晶相转变。我们的CrCl3晶体是使用化学蒸汽运输技术生长的,没有使用任何运输化学剂,以确保没有污染存在。我们的前体经过特别的净化,以消除磁性杂质或磁性掺杂物,以消除磁性污染的影响。所有这些产品都是在非磁性环境下使用非磁性镊子和不含磁性杂质的工具来处理,以确保可以放心地测量和探测其内在磁性。



样品包装:用氩气多次清洗样品,泵送至1e - 6torr压力,以确保晶体不会与残余气体相互作用。



CrCl3 (chromium triichloride) is layered antiferromagnet which is rather easy to exfoliate down to monolayer and shows excellent environmental stability. It exhibits a magnetic ordering temperature between 14 to 17 K. CrCl3 is at the cusp of ferromagnetic ordering upon small amount of applied magnetic field strength. Moreover, recent studies have shown that CrCl3 layered crystals undergo a crystallographic phase transition near 240 K from monoclinic (C2/m) to rhombohedral (R3) at low temperatures. Our CrCl3 crystals are grown using chemical vapor transport technique without using any transport chemical agent to ensure no contamination is present. Our precursors are purified with added care to eliminate any magnetic impurities or magnetic dopants to eliminate magnetic contamination effects. All these products are handled using non-magnetic tweezers and in non-magnetic environment with tools that are free of magnetic impurities to ensure intrinsic magnetic properties can be confidently measured and probed.

Large amount of material to work for many months to years
Environmentally stable and easy to exfoliate for ease in your experimental work
Perfect crystallization: In our growth process, we pay close attention to creating perfect crystals, each and every crystal is handled and characterized under vacuum or Argon environment.
Sample packaging: Samples are purged with Ar gas multiple times, pumped to 1E-6 Torr pressures to ensure crystals do not interact with the residual gases.
Fresh samples: Crystals are always freshly grown and immediately shipped out.
Full characterization: Samples are characterized using variety of techniques all under inert gas conditions to confirm the crystalline quality (see product images)



专业包装 正品保障

急速物流 安全配送

品类齐全 轻松购物